Take care, have a safe summer, we look forward to our fall program
Dear Senior Scholars,
My thoughts are with you as we all hope for clear direction for a safe return to more stable times. As seniors, we have health issues that challenge us in ordinary circumstances, but the threat of additional risk due to coronavirus understandably heightens our concern.
Warnings are being released that a fall/winter resurgence of the virus may coincide with the typical flu season. Therefore, all decisions for our organization going forward are guided by our concern for the safety and well-being of our members.
At our Zoom Board meeting on May 13 we discussed plans to do a video recording of speaker presentations for Sept/Oct/Nov. Don Campbell, curriculum chair, and Ken Brown, Great Decisions chair, have been in continuous contact with the speakers for the fall session. I’ve been advised that these speakers are on board to do presentations for us to access on our web site in the security and safety of our own homes. The general format may be somewhat changed to accommodate speakers’ time constraints and safety.
The Board will hold a ZOOM meeting in mid-July to pin down the fall speaker format and our introductory presentations. And again in late August the Board will reevaluate our position for the Sept/Oct/Nov time line. Now that North Carolina is in “phase 1” of lifting restrictions, Providence United Methodist Church is allowing a limited number of people within the building. This gives Senior Scholars an opportunity to consider using Wolfe Hall to record/stream presentations from there.
Some of you have asked questions about dues already paid for 2020 membership and expressed concern that many meetings have been cancelled due to the pandemic. Since 2021 membership dues are not due until mid-February, the Board will discuss this issue at the Oct/Nov Board meeting.
You will be updated in July and August about the planning decisions so that you can make plans for the fall.
Hoping this message has found you, your family and friends doing well. We all need continued patience in these uncertain times and steadfast hope for sound guidance from the medical community. Be well!
My respect,
Walt Romano

Quick Links:
The Mecklenburg County Public Health Department launched a hotline for people with questions about the new coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19.
The hotline phone number is (980) 314-9400. It will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for general inquiries.
CDC information
This is the main page for Coronavirus (COVID-19)